You dust furniture, wash bedding, vacuum the carpet, scrub the windows, and do everything else you need to do to keep your bedroom clean and comfortable. But have you ever spared a thought to cleaning one of the biggest items in any bedroom — the mattress?
If you’re like most people, mattress cleaning is so far down your list of household tasks that it might as well not be there. But keeping your mattress clean can be vital to your health and comfort, and regular cleanings can extend the useful life of your mattress and save you money on replacements. Unfortunately, cleaning a mattress can be a difficult, messy process, which is why many people prefer to use a professional mattress cleaning service. A good professional service, High Quality Carpet Cleaning LLC of New Jersey, will guarantee you a thoroughly cleaned and sanitized mattress.
You spend a lot of time in contact with your mattress — you’ll devote a third of your life to sleeping. Even if you change your sheets often and use a mattress protector, it’s impossible to avoid stains and odors. Pet or child accidents, spilled drinks, or just your own perspiration can lead to discolored, odd-smelling mattresses. In the worst case, the interior can become a breeding ground for mold or mildew. The Wall Street Journal has reported that a mattress can double in weight over ten years from all the detritus it absorbs.
Even if your mattress looks and smells clean, it may not be. The padding can be home to a variety of unwanted visitors. Bedbugs, once thought a thing of the past, are spreading rapidly once more, and their bites can be painful, unsightly, and carry infection. Dust mites, although too small to see with the naked eye, colonize mattresses in the thousands, eating the skin flakes that drop off your body. Dust mite feces can trigger allergies, breathing difficulties, and other health problems. Physicians cite dust mite droppings as one of the most widespread sources of allergic reactions, second only to pollen. A thorough, professional mattress cleaning is the only way to eliminate these intruders.
If you’re noticing unpleasant odors or stains, or think your mattress is what’s making you wheeze, don’t just throw it out and order a new one. Mattress cleaning service is cheaper and easier than getting a brand-new mattress. A professional cleaning company will be able to scrub out any stains, vacuum out debris and infestations, and leave you with a rejuvenated, fresh-smelling mattress — for much less than what a new one would cost.
For mattress cleaning services in northern New Jersey, be sure to contact High Quality Carpet Cleaning LLC. High Quality Carpet Cleaning offers fast, responsive, and professional service. We can clean your mattress quickly and thoroughly, restoring it to a like-new state, with no long drying process or dangerous cleaning chemicals. Contact High Quality Carpet Cleaning LLC by visiting the website at www.highqualitycarpet.com for a free quote on New Jersey mattress cleaning today! Or simply click the button below to be taken directly to our website and we can even provide you with a free quote for your specific needs!